How To Write A Post

How To Write A Post Or Article Full Details

How To Write A Post

Write blog and earn money 2024. I will tell you everything about writing a blog.

We will write to write a blog but a lot of setup has to be done in it. SEO has to be done. Question answer has to be entered. And many more which I will explain completely through this post.

How To Write A Post

After the website is ready, now it comes to writing posts and articles.

Before this, a little revision – First you bought hosting and domain, then created the website. After that customized on WordPress. Rank math C plugin all setup. Installed plugin, created header foot.

How To Write A Post

Now . If you want to write an article, first open WordPress by entering ID and password. Then I have to go to the post. Then click on add new post.

There the title will be written at the top, put your main title on it. Whatever post you want to write, write its main title on that title. That title is h1.

You have to enter text on these formats: H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6.

How To Write A Post

You should always keep your main title as H1, Google takes it only. Whatever text you write below has to be written on H2,H3,H4,H5,H6. So that people can understand easily. A title has to appear big so that people’s attention goes to it first. h2 to write the title bigger, h3 to write it a little smaller….

To insert image – Feature image means thumbnail. Just like there is a thumbnail on YouTube, there is a feature image here. The size of feature image or any image is 1200 * 628 pixels.

How To Write A Post

If you want to add an F&Q section which has questions and answers, then a plugin will have to be installed for this. The name of the plugin is – easy accordion plugin. This will have to be installed and activated by going to the plugin.

After activating, open the easy accordion plugin. You will find this plugin above the plugins on the left side of WordPress.

How To Write A Post

As soon as you open it, click on Add New option and you have to enter the question. Put the answer to that question just below it. And to win, all the questions and answers have to be entered by clicking on Add New. After that, click on Publish on the right side. That’s the lowest place to go. Short code will be available. Copy it.

After copying, go to wherever you want to insert it, find the short code and paste it there. Publish it. Make sure to put that code on the short code option.

Ex. – If you are writing a post and want to put a question and answer below it, then click on Add New there, search for the short code there and enter the code there. After that publish it.

How To Write A Post

1 First of all you have to enter the focus keyword. The focus keyword should also be in your title.

2 Just above rankmath is the edit snippet. writing the focus-keyword above the title. Below this, focus keyword also has to be put on the permalink. Below that, it has to be inserted in the middle of the description also.

Related article – what is blog full detail

How To Write A Post

A basic seo
B additional
C title readability
Content readability

1 Focus keyword has to be put in the title. Which I have mentioned above. You will get the title by going to Edit snippet.

2 Focus keyword has to be put in the description. By going to Edit snippet you will get the description at the bottom.

3 Focus keyword has to be inserted in permalink.

It is important to have 4 focus keywords at the beginning of your content.

It is important to have 5 focus keywords in your content.

6 Your content should have more than 1800 words. 1800 to 2600 batter. Even if it is more, it is still good.

1 Just below your main title there is another title called subheading. The focus on that subheading should be the keyword.

2 Alt means text has to be put on your image. Focus keyword has to be entered in that text.

3 Keyword density should be 1, 0.90 will also work.

4 There should not be too many words in your permalink.

5 internal links have to be entered. This means that you have to copy the URL of any other post and create a link here at the right place. There is an option above your text to create a link. As soon as you click on any keyword in what you have written, the link option appears just above it.

6 Similarly, copy the link of any other website’s post and create a link there. Which is called external link.

7 If you want, you can use content AI on your content, it is not necessary. The process is a bit lengthy. I have not done this in any of my posts. You can do it if you want.

1 The first thing is to put focus keyword on SEO title.

2 As soon as you follow everything I have mentioned above, the positive or negative sentiment will be fulfilled.

3 You have to put a good keyword in your title. Apart from the focus keyword, additional keywords also have to be put in your title.

4 If possible, include a number in your title. Meaning, I am telling about five popular places. The number 5 has to be entered in the title.

How To Write A Post

1 Insert a table into your content. Table means whatever title you want to put on top. So that people can easily understand which points you have covered in the entire content.

2 You have to write your content in short paragraphs.

3 It is important to include images or videos in your content.

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