How Did Singapore Become Rich Quickly

How Did Singapore Become Rich Quickly

It was once home to huts a few decades ago.

What is it like in Singapore, how did one travel from a hut to a house worth crores. Why do people visit Singapore?

Singapore became a wealthy country through strategic economic policies and investment in education, infrastructure and technology.

Smaller than half Delhi, Singapore was once a country of slums. In 2024, one out of every six households here will have a millionaire. How did this happen?

This is Singapore – with glittering buildings. Such brightness even at night that the sun would blush.

To the point – these two are the same country. The only difference is 35 years. Name of the country- Singapore. Got independence from foreigners in 1963. There was intense poverty then but in just 30-35 years it started being counted among the richest countries of the world. In the year 2024, it will be ahead of America in terms of per capita GDP.

It is estimated that by the year 2030, this country will have the highest number of millionaires in the world. Although there is still no dearth of millionaires. In this matter he is still at second place. Singapore does not have oil like countries like Saudi Arabia. Nor are there any other natural resources. Then how did this small country become so rich?

Singapore. Small island. Half of Delhi in terms of area. If you travel by car, you can cross from one side to the other in half an hour. There is an old connection with India. According to historical Malay documents, there used to be a king of Kalinga, Shulan. He along with Chulan, a king of South India, started a campaign to conquer China.

The king of China made a move to stop them. He sent one of his spies to the island and spread a rumor through him that China was far away from there.


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Singapore invested heavily to promote economic development. The Economic Development Board was established in 1961 by Goh Keng Swee, and with the assistance of Dutch economic advisor Albert Winsmeus, formulated national economic strategies to boost Singapore’s manufacturing sector. By following this strategy Singapore soon became rich.

Singapore has succeeded in promoting its economic growth through its economic strategies and investment in the manufacturing sector. The establishment of the Economic Development Board was an important step which encouraged entrepreneurship and manufacturing.

The Port of Singapore became one of the busiest ports in the world and the service and tourism industries also grew rapidly during this period.

The Port of Singapore is a hub for extensive trade and transportation, leading to growth in the service and tourism industries. Which helps in ensuring entrepreneurship and business.

A country which is smaller than Delhi and Islamabad in terms of its area.

When this country became independent, it hardly had anything that could help it get rid of its poverty.

Singapore had neither cultivable land nor mineral wealth. Most of the population also lived in slums.

But today if we talk about the opulence of this country, then Singapore is the country where the average salary of the people is third in the world.

According to consulting firm Juniper Research, Singapore leads the world in terms of mobility, health, safety and productivity.

Not only this, Singapore has also been the most expensive city in the world for the last five years in the ranking of The Economist Magazine.

But the story of Singapore was not always like this.

This is from the days of the Second World War. Singapore was called the β€˜Gibraltar of the East’ because there was a heavy presence of British forces in Singapore.

But in the year 1942, Japan defeated Britain in a shameful manner.

Then British Prime Minister Winston Churchill described this defeat as β€œthe worst loss and the greatest surrender in British history.”

But in 1944-45, American planes attacked Japanese-occupied Singapore.

In this attack, Singapore was heavily bombed due to which its trading ports were badly damaged.

But after this Singapore started creating a new story for itself.

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