Lawrence Larry

Lawrence Larry Page Success story

Lawrence Larry Page Success story

Lawrence Larry Page is an American computer scientist and industrialist who, along with Sergey Brin, founded Google Inc. Co-founded.

Lawrence Larry, whose father was a professor of computer science at Michigan State University, received a computer engineering degree from the University of Michigan (1995) and entered the doctoral program at Stanford, where he met Brin. Both were interested in the idea of increasing the ability to extract meaning from the vast amounts of data accumulated on the Internet.

Working from Page’s dorm room, he devised a new type of search engine technology that took advantage of Web users’ own ranking abilities by tracking each site’s “backing links” – that is, the number of other pages linking to them. Is.


Related more article – Larry Page


It was here that he first began the project of analyzing patterns of linkage between different sites on the World Wide Web. It was also at Stanford that he first met fellow computer science graduate student Sergei Brin and recruited him to join his research project.

When Lawrence Larry Page entered Stanford the Internet and the World Wide Web were just taking shape as major forces in telecommunications.

Existing features for searching the Web can only rank search results based on the frequency of appearance of a given term on any page on the Web. Searches often generate endless lists of websites with little relevance to the user’s query.

Page soon discovered that ranking websites based on the number of links to it from other sites is a far more useful measure of a Web document’s relevance to a user’s search criteria. To fully explore the possibilities of his new “PageRank” mechanism, he called on the data mining expertise of his classmate Sergei Brin.

The latter paper quickly became one of the most downloaded scientific documents in Internet history.

Word quickly spread beyond the walls of Stanford that two graduate students had created something far more useful than existing search technology.

He registered the domain name in 1997. The domain name was derived from the word “googol”, written as a very large number followed by 100 zeros, an expression of the vast universe of data that was created by the Google search engine. to find out.

Moved his server from Lawrence Larry Page’s dorm room to a friend’s garage in Menlo Park, California. After completing his master’s degree, he took leave to pursue a Ph.D. A program to focus on building your business. At first, Lawrence Larry Page served as the company’s CEO and Sergey Brin as its president.

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